This was a two-day conference and close enough to my home that I could drive there in the mornings and be back at dinner-time. Two days with no kids! WOW! Colby was so great and took care of everything at home so I could go and he was actually the one who really encouraged me to purchase the ticket. On the second day though, during the two-hour lunch break I really started missing my kids. What were they doing? Was Landon happy when Colby put him down for his nap? Were they playing outside or watching tv? Was Ryan's allergies bothering him? Did everyone have one fruit and one vegetable with their lunch? Were there hands clean? As you can see... the list went on and on. So naturally I turned to my phone, opened my photo app and went to start looking through photos of my children, but instead of clicking the "Photos" option for some I was drawn to the "Selfies" option.
Now I really don't like seeing pictures of myself. I don't like being on camera. I don't like all eyes on me. So I really really REALLY don't love selfies. But I clicked on it for some reason and instantaneously my heart got so full. As I looked at these pictures the phrase that kept coming into my head was, "You are so blessed, Heather." I looked at all of these memories before me and felt overwhelmed with all of the amazing people who have been put into my life. My children, Colby, the family I was born into and my friends. Each picture brought back a memory and even the ones with sick kids brought a smile to my face. I could see and feel Heavenly Father's hand in each one of those pictures and felt immense gratitude.
So my invitation to you is... "Take 5" minutes today. Look at the "selfies" on your phone and remember all of the good times you have had in your life. Look and see the beautiful people who have been placed in your life just. for. you. Look and see how much your Father in Heaven cares about and loves you. It will be the best 5 minutes of your day and will give you the drive and motivation to continue pressing forward. One foot at a time. Being the person these people need YOU to be, because just as much as you need them in your life; they need you.
These five minutes will be even more "delicious" than the "Take 5" candy bar, and that's a lot coming from me, because that candy bar is one of my favorites!
ReplyDeletePerfectly said 💞 Thank so much for sharing. We are mom's. We worry. It is so good to ponder our blessings. You know I love pictures and I will soon share beautiful memories from yesterday with your sweet family. Knowing you, sweet friend has blessed my life. I love you, Rexene💞💞💞
Amen, Sister!