Friday, July 15, 2016

Lion House Dinner Rolls

Behind these One Hour Dinner Rolls, these Lion House Dinner Rolls come next in line as are our family's favorite rolls.  Our little growing family of 6 has devoured all 24 + of these in two days flat many a times.  They take a little more time than the One Hour Dinner Rolls, but they also make about twice as many rolls so when I have a little extra time I like to make these.  

These also freeze beautifully.  After a day, if I know we aren't going to eat them all within another day or so, I place them in a gallon-sized ziplock freezer bag and put them in the freezer.  Then whenever we want one (or some) I just put them in the microwave for anywhere between 30 and 90 seconds (depending on how many we're warming up) and presto - delicious homemade rolls all over again.

I've known some people who brush melted butter on the dough after they've rolled it out in a rectangle before they slice each individual roll, or others who brush melted butter on the top of them right after they get out of the oven.  Either way would be delicious, I just tend to not do this to decrease the butter content - although my favorite thing to do a few minutes after these babies get out of the oven is to slice one in half and spread butter in the middle.  Oops, but oh, so good. 

Lion House Dinner Rolls
Yield: Makes about 2 dozen rolls

Note: If you are using active dry yeast you will want to increase the amount to 2 tablespoons instead of 1 1/2 tablespoons.  You will also need to proof the yeast before continuing with the recipe - combine the yeast and water and let stand for 5 minutes and then continue with the recipe directions.

The amount of flour will vary.  I almost always end up using 6 cups, but sometimes I only need 5 1/2 cups.  You will just need to go by sight and feel to know if you need to keep adding more flour or not.  After 5 cups of flour just watch it carefully as it kneads to know if you need to add more or not.

1 1/2 tablespoons instant yeast
2 cups warm water
1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup butter, softened
1 egg
2 1/2 teaspoons salt
2/3 cup nonfat dry milk
5 - 6 cups all purpose flour, unbleached

In a large bowl of a stand mixer, combine the yeast, water, sugar, butter, egg, salt, dry milk, and 3 cups of the flour.  Beat together until everything starts to come together then gradually add the rest of the flour.  (Look at the note above.)  You want the dough to pull away from the sides of the bowl.  You want it to be soft but not sticky.  Knead the dough for 5 minutes.  Once the dough is smooth and elastic, place it in a lightly greased large bowl and cover it with greased plastic wrap.  Allow it to rise until doubled in size, about 1 hour.

Separate the dough into two equal portions.  Roll each portion out ta an 11x14-inch rectangle.  Cut the dough horizontally into two portions.  Then slice the dough into five or six strips vertically.  You should now have 10-12 small rectangles of dough.  Roll each small rectangle up like a snail and place on a silpat lined baking sheet or baking stone.  Place the open edge portion down so it doesn't open up on top.  Repeat with the second portion of dough.  Cover the rolls with lightly greased plastic wrap and allow to rise again until doubled in size.

Bake at 350 degrees F for about 15 minutes, until they are golden on top.  

Recipe Source: from The Lion House

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