Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Healthy Chocolate Banana Ice-Cream

I'm just being introduced into the world of frozen banana ice-cream and I'm loving it!  One of my favorite combinations is bananas, chocolate and almond/peanut butter so when I came across this recipe I got pretty excited.  It's a very healthy option to an everyday craving I have - some kind of chocolate dessert.  

I had never used Cacao powder until recently and I'm really loving it.  I found this bag at Walmart for probably right around $8.  You may think that's a little pricey, but this bag will last a long time.  You can switch this out for normal cocoa powder if you prefer.

I usually let my bananas thaw for about 5-10 minutes in the processor so the ice-cream forms into a smoother texture faster.  If you process them when they are right out of the freezer you will end up with more of a dip 'n dots kind of ice-cream, but don't worry, let it sit for a few minutes and process it again and it will smooth out.

Creamy and thick, my favorite.

If I eat this in the afternoon as a little "pick-me-up" snack I like to sprinkle some Bee Pollen on the top to give me that little extra energy and health boost.

Here's a description of Bee Pollen I found on google that I loved:
"Bee pollen is the food of the young bee and it is approximately 40% protein. It is considered one of nature's most completely nourishing foods. It contains nearly all nutrients required by humans. About half of its protein is in the form of free amino acids that are ready to be used directly by the body."

Healthy Chocolate Banana Ice-Cream

3 frozen bananas, chopped into chunks
1/4 cup chocolate almond milk
1 tablespoon almond butter
1/2 tablespoon cacao powder

Place all ingredients in a food processor.  You may need to wait a few minutes to allow the bananas to thaw a little so when it processes it doesn't process into chunks, but instead into a smooth ice-cream texture.  Process until smooth and creamy.  You may need to turn the processor off a time of two and scrap down the sides and stir the mixture a little.  Scoop into bowls and enjoy!

Recipe Source: Eating Bird Food

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