Friday, June 17, 2016

Strawberry Banana Spinach Kefir Smoothie {My go-to Smoothie}

I know there are a million and one smoothie recipes out there, but no matter how many times I search and try and make, I always come back to this one.  It's probably because I love getting my kefir serving in every day.  I like thinking that it's helping clean my gut!  TMI?  And I love getting a little serving of chia and flax seeds.  And I really like how it tastes!

I almost always have these ingredients on hand so it's also something I can make without running into the "Oh man!  I forgot to grab that at the store." dilemma.

I also LOVE drinking it in my favorite tumbler.  So many mornings I have made this smoothie as we are on our way out the door to run errands, and two hours later when we are driving home my smoothie is still as fresh as when I made it because this tumbler just keeps it that cold.  Even in a car in the summer in the heat of Texas!

My kids even love this Kefir Smoothie.  This little guy especially.  

It's hard to get him to stop! 

2 minutes later... still drinking.  And he loves holding our tumbler.  Makes him feel like a big kid!  And he's becoming one.  Slow down time, please!

Strawberry Banana Spinach Kefir Smoothie {My go-to Smoothie}
Yield: About 30oz

1 cup homemade kefir
2 bananas, frozen
1 cup strawberries, frozen
1/2 teaspoon chia seeds
1 teaspoon flax seeds
1 cup spinach
Ice, to your liking

Add all of the ingredients to your blender (I love my vitamix!) in the order listed above.  If you are using frozen fruit let everything sit for about 10 minutes, to allow the fruits to thaw a little.  (If you are using fresh fruit you can skip the 10 minute resting period.)  Set your blender to the "smoothie" setting and let it do it's magic.  Enjoy right away.

Recipe source: Tasty on My Mind

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