Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Chocolate Molten Cake - crockpot style.

Who doesn't love a recipe that is easy and filled with chocolate?  Sign me up please.  My mother-in-law introduced this recipe to me a few weeks ago.  I fell in love with it so much I had to make it again.  And very soon.  So that I did.  This is a perfect recipe for when you have friends over and you need something fast and easy to throw in the crock pot while you're busy getting everything else ready, or in some cases, everyone else taken care of.  (Yes, four little children who are saying "Mom" every 38 seconds is my life.)  I actually just took a 5 minute break from writing this since one of my kids just fell down while playing in the empty bathtub so of course it was the end of the world and Mom had to do some reassuring that the world surely was not ending.  But back to this recipe...

Long story short.  It's delicious.  It's easy.  It's addicting.  And you don't have to wait to make it when you have friends over.  I make it for just my husband and I and we highly, very highly, enjoy leftovers for the next three or four days.  Trust me, you'll wake up in the morning thinking about when during the day you can have some alone time with just you and this molten loveliness.

Love me that pudding texture with the cake.

1 box Chocolate cake mix
All the ingredients on the back of the cake mix box
1 large box Instant Chocolate pudding mix
All the ingredients on the pudding box
2 cups Chocolate Chips

1. Spray your crock pot with non-stick cooking spray.
2. Make the cake according to the directions on the box and pour the batter into the crock pot.
3. Make the pudding according to the directions on the box and pour the batter on top of the cake    batter.  Do not mix.
4.  Sprinkle the chocolate chips on top.  You can use milk chocolate or semi-sweet.  Whichever you prefer.  Do not stir.
5.  Cook on high for 2 1/2 hours.  You'll want the cake to be done, but the pudding to still be gooey.  Eat right away and enjoy with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream on top.

Source: Heidi Park (my mother-in-law)

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