Monday, August 8, 2016

Kale and Cherry Tomato Salad

This is my new favorite salad.  I think I've had it 5 times within the last week.  I can honestly eat this whole bowl, and I have more than once.  I love the dark green color of the kale mixed with the red cherry tomatoes.  The salty flavor that the sunflower kernels adds is perfect. I am also a lemon lover, and the fresh lemon makes this salad so summer-y and light.  On the times when I haven't made this for lunch, but instead for dinner, Colby and I each grab our forks and just share this right out of the bowl.  Romantic, I know.

I think the sunflower kernels are my favorite part.  The hearty and crunchy texture of the kale is Colby's favorite.  There are so many natural vitamins and minerals in this salad.  It's great as a side dish, or even as a main dish if you're looker for a light and very healthy meal.

Kale and Cherry Tomato Salad

6 cups Kale (or 1 medium bunch)
Sea Salt, to taste
1/4 cup Sunflower seeds
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (about half of one lemon)
1/2 teaspoon oregano
 2 teaspoons Hemp seeds
1 cup cherry tomatoes, cut in half

Peel the leafy part off each kale stem and add to a large bowl.  Or if you're using already cut up kale, just add it to a large salad bowl.  Add a pinch of sea salt to the kale and break down with your hands, tearing into bit-sized pieces, and working the salt into the kale.  Sprinkle the sunflower seeds over the top.

Whisk the lemon juice, oregano, and hemp seeds a small bowl.  Pour the mixture over the kale.  Add the tomatoes and mix well.

Recipe Source: adapted slightly from Kimberly Snyder's The Beauty Detox Foods.

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